Key Features

  • ScoutAbout Creation: Easily create visually engaging knowledge sets known as ScoutAbouts.
  • AboutCards: Interactive information cards that cover a broad range of topics and can be created within ScoutAbouts.
  • Hero Section: Compelling call-to-action buttons in the Hero section of AboutCards that direct users to a chosen URL.
  • AboutCard Sections: Dedicated sections for Details, Location, Event, Contact, and Social Media information within AboutCards.
  • Media Gallery: Enrich AboutCards with photos and videos corresponding to the content.
  • Interactive Map: Geocode and embed AboutCards with location data into an interactive map for enhanced exploration.
  • Category Grouping: Systematically group AboutCards within a ScoutAbout into categories, identified by distinct color codes and icons.
  • AI Assisted Setup: Streamline the creation of ScoutAbouts and AboutCards using AI technologies like chatGPT and DALL-E.
  • Feature: Get additional, pertinent information about a specific AboutCard using the chatGPT-powered feature.
  • Collaboration: Foster collaboration with multiple users able to contribute concurrently as owners or editors.